Saturday, 23 June 2012

Distburbing Discovery

My understanding of the local RCMP detatchment is a Municipal Police advised my the Mayor to serve and protect our Municipality. Last month I asked them to investigate a case of forgery by the Manager of our local Community Economic Development, who under discovery manipulated some documents before serving them into the court system. I recieved a letter from our local detatchment stating:

Burden of Proof: In Canada, criminal law is based on the presumption of innocence of the accused party. This sets a very high standard which Police must meet in order to be successful in recieving criminal charge approval. That standard is beyond a reasonable doubt. This means that with near absolute certainty that the Police and Crown Counsel have proven the guilt of the person.

Then, my thought was to ask the Crown for the reason they denied me access to the court system.
The response from the Crown Counsel was "We have not recieved a file under that number from the Port McNeill RCMP"

What this proves to the public is that one single member of the RCMP has more power than our judge. They can throw the case out before the judge even sees it. What kind of justice is this?
If a judge makes a mistake in some of his decisions, you have a court of appeal to remede the error and it works. I've tried it. We all know, no one is perfect.

We know this woman has zero credibility. I have at least ten lies under oath in a court document said by her to mislead the court. But she has been part of the power for a long time with a very questional reputation.
Where do we go from here?

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Community Economic Development

Trying to put Community Economic Development into context is almost an impossible task. You have Western Economic Diversification (WED) that has a contract with Community Futures Development Corporation of Mount Waddington, federally incorporated 313436-9 with a non-elected Board of Directors who abuse their power however they feel like and we don't even know how they acquired that power. When you ask a local Politician, the answer is: "That's none of your business, it's a federal program." but when you look into you'll find out those local Politicians are on the Board as volunteers. How did they get there? Apparently that's none of our business again.
Now, the same people have started what they call "Venture Connect" again the manager of our CFDCMW, Mr David Mitchell and the Chair of the Board of Directors who he takes orders from, Mr David Rushton is on that Board also. From which authority? That's none of our business again.
We have Community Futures BC aka Community Futures Development Corporation Association of BC, which Mr David Mitchell is a Special Adviser to. Very closed-shop for anyone who would be willing to volunteer their time to make sure things are run according to contract or incorporation.
Another one that shows up is Economic Development Association of BC (EDABC) offering you a reward if you want to join their association. My question is: How much money goes to those bureaucrats for promoting our Community Economic Development in BC and how much money goes to the people who can't create the jobs and improve CED like small businesses? All talk, no action. No responsibility, no accountability, no transparency, no democracy and a whole bunch of hypocrisy from the bureaucracy. Look at what they did to me with all those good Community Economic Development programs with some psychopaths in charge of the office and some local Politicians on the Board of Directors without any authorisation from the public (I mean no election).
I used to live a decent life, now I have to live like a bum after they destroyed my business and my life. They also destroyed the opportunity for my kids to have a normal University education like I was planning for them.
When some of our local politicians have no conscience, everything goes haywire and the public will always suffer. Click here to find the details.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Meet Our Team

This is the team. Here, there is two past co-wokers from the Community Futures Development Corporation of Mount Waddington (CFDCMW). The Chair of this CFDC and the manager show up on the Board of this organization who have a very questionable background on running anything properly. This is very confusing for the average customer. Did anyone check their background? Did anyone check their work ethics from the Community Futures? We have to assume it is not nessasary becasue we are all in complicit with the next person. What a questionable situation for the public at large. Give me your money in taxes and I'll waste it the way I want.

Venture Connect Project

They are determined not to have one properly run organization, they prefer to create more of these irresponsible organizations to confuse the public and create jobs for friends and past co-workers and ignore the public that they were meant to help. Look at who's the Board of Directors. Incroyable!

Special Advisor

Do we read this properly? Mr David Mitchell is the Special Advisor for the Community Futures Development Association of British Columbia aka Community Futures BC. If this is correct can anyone explain the common sense of this? Mr Mitchell is the manager of the Community Futures Development Corporation of Mount Waddingon that seems to take advice from Community Futures BC. Is it possible to advise youself? Mr Mitchell told us it was none of our business of what happened at the our local Community Futures. Could he be preaching that all over BC? Incroyable!

Who Is Telling The Truth?

We wait for your opinions...

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Chamber of Commerce

We've been looking at the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors which is the same type of organization as the Community Futures Development Corporation, an organization with a membership. One seems to work, the other one seems to be stuck in the mud. Now I find out the same person, Mr David Mitchell is the manager of the one that is stuck in the mud and the President of the one that seems to work. We wonder why? We always believe to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce you have to have some kind of business. Mr Mitchell is the manager of a Corporation that operates with public funds only. What kind of business would you call that? Monkey business? The one that he's manager of, we are not allowed to see the membership list. The one that he is the president of, the membership list is on the website. Why is that? I'm asking you, the members of the Chamber of Commerce as members of the community to ask Mr Mitchell why he won't tell us or show us the membership list of the Community Futures. I've seen lots of good people with good intentions on this list. What are the intentions of the ones on the list that we aren't allowed to see? This is for the good of the community as a whole. Please participate.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Incorporation Charter

Please let us know what you think we should be doing with this one!!!
Is this criminal not to follow the By-Laws #1 aka The Charter of Incorporation?
If not, why not?
What is more important than hurting the Community that you were meant to help??
A) Conflict of Interests
B) Incompetence
C) Mismanagement
D) Sloppy book keeping
E) Conspiracy to adversely affect certain Northern Vancouver Island entrepreneurs

Monday, 23 April 2012

Society Act

Hi Josh,

I appreciate the fact that you take your time to ask question, but you sure ask good ones.
This is a Federal Society, it is incorporated in Ottawa under part 2 of the Act.
A society with a membership.
It's called Community Futures Developemt Corporation of Mount Waddington Inc #313436-9
Click here and scroll down to BY-LAW NO. 1 and read the details.
This is what they told Incorporation Canada they would be doing if they get the Incorporation status. Now they are doing whatever they want, no accountablilty, no responsibility, why tell the truth when a good lie will do? Who gets on the Board of Directors are the politicians, how do they do it? We've been told it was none of our business. I asked many times, look at the email above from John Tidbury. He is on the Board of Directors of the CFDC, he's a councilor for the town of Port Hardy, he ran for Mayor in the past, he's a long time member of the Lions Club, a very good outstanding high-classs citizen until he is cornered then he turns into a fowl mouth A**H***. He learned from the past Mayor, Mr Russ Hellberg how to mislead the public with all of these societies feeding on each other.
About the Premier, I talked to Gordan Campbell about this, it was none of their business. This was created by Brian Mulroney to by pass the provincial Government to be able to buy votes directly from the public "Slush Fund"
"Called Action Direct" (in Quebec)
Down there they're in jail, in BC they run free. Why is that? Keep asking questions, maybe a secret admirer will let us know who's in charge.

Thursday, 19 April 2012


Mayor Furney writes:
February 21, 2011
Dear Prime Minister:
As the Mayor of a resource-dependent community (forestry, mining, aquaculture), I have been greatly impressed by the well-researched articles of Vancouver writer Vivian Krause in recent issues of the National Post. She traces vast amounts of money being transferred by U.S. foundations to anti-indudstry Canadian foundations for distribution to these activist groups in Canada.
I understand that these foundations and the Canadian recipients all enjoy “tax-free” status under the guise of being “charitable.”
Having observed our resource companies and resource communities being the victims of some very unkind campaigns by these so-called charities, I have yet to observe or experience any “charitable” actions by them. In fact, their actions appear to be the antithesis of charity.
I believe that a review should be undertaken of all these organizations that claim to be “charitable,” to ensure that they meet the stringent “charitable” requirements of our Government. If they do not meet the charitable standard that we expect, then their tax-free status should be rescinded. Is this possible?
Your Sincerely,
Mayor Furney

After reading this letter I come to the conclusion of how easy it is to critisize others.
As a tax payer in the Regional District of Mount Waddington for 40 years and with you being the Mayor for the same amout of time, don't you think I have a few fair questions that should be answered from our local politians? What about transparency, accountability, ethics and who is really in charge?
I understand that our Community Economic Development (CED) is supposed to the the responsibility of our local politicians as politicians. Not to sit on he Board of Directors of the Community Futures Development Corporation of Mount Waddington that is the main controller of our CED as a volunteer to cut out the real volunteers who would be pleased to donate their time to make sure that place is running according to the rules and benefitting the community as a whole. All these elected politicains appoint themselves to all of these organizations to make sure that no volunteers with good meaning can have their way. Control, control, control.
About the "Charitable Organization", we have the same shit here, right in Port Mc Neill but the Chair of the Regional District and some elected Board members sit on that charity Board who can't be mentioned here. Too close for comfort.
By the way, I sent a comment to that letter but your friend refused to post it. The truth is the truth, isn't it?

Monday, 16 April 2012

Board Members

One thing I would like to bring to your attention is this, Mr Gerd Brockelmann, one member of your phony Board of Directors at Community Futures Development Corporation of Mount Waddington.
In 2008 he was living in Coal Harbour.
In 2009 he was living in Coal Harbour.
In 2010 he was living in Courtney.
In 2011 he was living in Courtney.
In 2012 he's still living in Courtney according to Ottawa.
He's been on the Board of Directors for five years in a row, against the rules to start with. For three years he was out of town. This doesn't seem to bother you a bit. In your propaganda on your website, our volunteer Board of Directors in nominated and elected to Govern Community Futures. All Board Members belong to the community of the Regional District of Mount Waddington. Please explain.
Your website is so slippery, it states that Mr Brockelmann lives in Port Mc Neill. Is he a ghost? We can't track him down. Lots of power but no where to be found. Telephone disconnected in Coal Harbour, not in the phone book in Port Mc Neill or Courtney but well alive in your paper work. To top this all off, you went on and took the job to run the Chamber of Commerce. This is a prime example of how Community Futures should be run. Exactly the same principal, organization with a membership.
Very simple
1) Nomination
2) Election
3) Results
4) Democracy at work
5) Everyone is smiling
6) With the way you're doing it everyone is pissed off, except the insiders.

Friday, 13 April 2012

MP Letter

All these letters came from questions about December 4th 2009's letter from Mr Rushton to Incorporation Canada to change the constitution with no authority what-so-ever, just on BS. A local politician at work as a volunteer, Chair of the CFDCMW with no mandate what-so-ever from the public, self appointed and to them it's just small potatoes. What happened to the big word that we are all proud of and call DEMOCRACY? We will post the main letter after your next question.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Annual Barbecue NOT AGM

"We used to have open house but nobody came."
Not so, Mr Mitchell. The reason why the open house was cancelled is because people like to ask questions and you had no answers. "Tell the truth please" You started fund raising to eliminate the Annual General Meeting (AGM), where the election for the Board of Directors of Community Futures is supposed to happen. I believe an election for the Board of Directors is more important than fund raising. You can stand at the barbecue all you want, but you're not impressing anyone but yourself. If you manage the Community Futures properly, according to the rules, the By-Laws, the contract with WED, then you would impress everyone. You are not in partnership with Western Economic Diversification. You have a contract with WED signed by both parties. Please do not mislead the public. At the open house, which doesn't happen anymore, you get to meet the staff and the Board. If the public asks questions you cancel the AGM and you cancel the open house and you go make hamburgers and you're proud of yourself. You state that "Few people know Community Futures is a small business lending program." It is not a lending program. It is a program to diversify the economy, specifically not to compete with the existing businesses.
You state that someone said "Oh, you're the people who give all the money away."
People are telling the facts the way they see it. Give all the money to the friends before anyone else knows there is money available and not necessarily through loans. We know the details.
You say you are better than the bank. I asked the manager of the bank in 2000 and she told me "If we were running the bank like they are running the Community Futures, we would all be out of a job in a week."
You can blow your horn all you want, we know what you guys did and are still doing. You just like to perpetuate the problem and not run the place according to the rules and that's not acceptable in a Democratic society.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Control, Control, Control.

We see the same crap now, that we have been through in the past. The same people want to cover all the seats that are open to the public as volunteers. The manager of the Community Futures Development Corporation of Mt Waddington, Mr David Mitchell, who can't even do that job properly he's also the president of the Chamber of Commerce in Port Mc Neill, he's also on the Board of Directors of Venture Connect Project. That is all intertwined with a bunch of Community Futures to destroy more businesses and fool the public in believing that help is on the way. Mr Mitchell is also on the Vancouver Island North Tourism Advisory Committee with the past Manager of the Community Futures who made such a good mess before Mr Mitchell got here. A real recipe for success. They do all this without a mandate from the public. Where the F--- has democracy gone?!?! Has democracy gone for a shit? Or do we have too many smart politicians who figure that we don't have to respect democracy.
Why do we have democracy if we don't put it into practice?

Friday, 16 March 2012

A Poem By Sara Poirier

Lust For Power
By Sara Poirier

The milk pumped from betrayal is oh so sour,
But we must use it to feed our lust for power.
Climb to the highest point on the social tower,
Stay there a life time and only work for an hour.

Cover their eyes and keep the cash flowing,
Don't tell the outsiders where it is going.
Spend it all without anyone knowing,
Make sure there is no evidence showing.

The poor are starving while the rich get fatter,
The wealthy stand on top while the peasants hold the ladder.
Empty promises while the economy get sadder,
A political debate turns to mindless chatter.

Parents teach us manners but they are so rude,
The children ran because they were abused,
The trees are clear of birds that once coed,
Nothing is left, it was all used.

To read more poetry by Sara Poirier Click Here

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Democracy To No Democracy

1) The Federal Government has oppositions. Good oppositions, good Government.

2) The Provincial Government also has oppositions to make sure that the rules are followed with exactly the same ideas as the Federal Government.

3) When you get to the Municipal Government the opposition disappears. Why is that?
    If you complain about your local Government you are called a psycho or you are taken to court under    a charge of "Secret Commission" and they blame everybody except the real shysters.
The problem is our politicians appoint themselves to the advisory commissions, to the advisory committees, to the societies, on and on...Trust this trust that no room for the members of the public who would be willing to give their time to make sure the place is run according to the rules. Now you figure all of this out.

Part 5 - Membership




#1: After you read this part you will find that there is room for members of the Corporation. 5.2 states 4 classes of them. Incorporated in 1995 and all the applicants have agreed to be the first members of the Board of Directors, therefore, valid for that year.

#2: A very different one. In 2009 they eliminated ll the classes of members of the Corporation and they ended up with only Board members. Where did they find the power to do this when only the members of the Corporation can sanction an ammendment to the Charter of Incorporation? Therefore, invalid.

#3: On their website you will find this. Trying to justify the reason for the manipulation on #2 by stating just part of the rules. You be the judge of this debate.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Membership Application

You will find this phoney membership application on The Community Futures Development Corporation of Mount Waddington's website.

I wish to become a member:
Why do you have to have an excuse to become a member of that Corporation? You pay taxes, that's good enough. Even when you run for any election you have to be 18 and be a Canadian for 6 months and that's it.

I agree that:
4) I can abide by the By-Laws of CFDCMW.
The same people that put this paper out don't even follow the By-Laws themselves. No AGM, no Members of the Corporation, no Election, but you must follow the By-Laws, not them. Where is the joke?
The By-Laws #1 say:
Term 8.5
Must be elected every year at an AGM by the Members of the Corporation.
Is this not misleading the public at the highest degree?????
Now you figure out why our small businesses are in trouble. The people in power lost their minds.

Sunday, 12 February 2012


Hi Josh,

Thank you for your comment and not calling me a Psycho until proven in court. Look at this one. You trust our judge, our court system, our Democracy, that's all I ask for. Follow the rules, the By-Laws, be transparent for the public to understand what is going on and what you are doing with our money.
Now, we have to ask the court to tell them they have to respond and answer our questions.
"Something you can help me with"
I really appreciate the fact that you are determined to be informed. I have a job for you. If you want to make copies of this petition and get some locals that are curious to find the truth and who the real psychos are, to sign this and help us convince the court that there is something wrong here and it should be fixed. We don't have much money, we are on a very limited budget, all of what we do is volunteer. But we would give you a loonie for every name of the local voters with a signature that you can collect and you will have participated in doing a good deed for the community you love. This is a good start for a young man with courage and determination and does not sound like a shyster. If you feel you can be involved we can meet over dinner at a restaurant of your choice. You, my daughter and I. So we can discuss the situation of which way you would like to be involved.
Thank you for your time.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

You Be The Judge

Hi Josh,
Here is another one for you to understand why I am so down on the Community Futures Organization like you said. The programs are very, very good. It's just the Board of Directors and the Managers that are no good. They make mistakes on purpose to fool the public like you and your family and everyone else as far as that goes. If you read this letter and pay attention to what you read, you will understand. I hope you won't be calling Mr Landry a psycho because he is asking those parasites questions. He read from their By-Laws #1 (aka the Charter of Incorporation) that states what they must be doing to get Incorporated. They are too smart for that, they don't follow the rules. He also looked at the lies of their website "The Board of Directors is nominated and elected" By who? where? and when? You will soon understand who the real psychos are.


Saturday, 28 January 2012

Psychotic Family

Here Josh, for your family and friends that call me "Psycho"
This should please them.
Dear Mr. Fred:
My name is Josh. I go to North Island Secondary School here. I am 16 years old. I want to know, why are you so down on the Community Futures organization? It has promised us many great things! You are regarded by many locals as the town psycho and crackpot and I was told by my parents to stay away from you but I want to hear from you personally. I am interested in this community and want to make it a better place. Please don't rip my head off as I just want to get a better understanding of your line of thinking.
Yours truly