Sunday, 6 November 2011

Election Time

Watch who will be on the Board of Directors of the most useless Government as possible called Regional District, appointed there through the local Municipality or area Director.
If you want to start something fresh you have to throw out the trash.
The most effective way to restrict democracy is to transfer decision making from the elected politicians to some local society with a phony "Board of Directors" where local politicians sit on those Boards as volunteers which are not accountable to the public according to the manager of the Regional District. The public is expected to accept that without asking any questions. You're a politician or you're a volunteer, you can't be both in the same mandate.
Read those Mayors comments from 10 years ago.

The Regional District is designed to make the local Municipality's problems disappear without addressing the real issue.
1) They work well together.
2) They don't work well together.
3) Bringing communities together.
4) Lots of conflicts.
5) There is some conflicts.

They don't even understand each other and they are well informed. What about the public that are misinformed by some of our local politicians. Like the example above which one should you believe?


  1. Jason Greensmith8 November 2011 at 08:17

    Sounds like you've got a serious case of sour grapes! Are you bitter because you ran for a board position and lost? Is that it? Sounds like you've got some serious time issues on your hands, as in: "too much time". Seriously, go get a job as a Walmart greeter. It would suit your qualifications well. I personally think your local government is doing a superb job as is the Federal Government.


  2. Dear Mr Greensmith,
    thank you for your participation on this blog. You are right on a few things and wrong on others.
    Sour grapes: right on that one.
    Ran for Board position: don't understand that one. The constitution or By-Laws #1 of CFDC states that the Board must be elected every year by the members of the corporation. How do you do that when you have no members?
    Too much time: right on that one.
    The Community Futures Development Corporation on Mount Waddington (CFDCMW) destroyed my business by giving money to other people to compete with me, which is against the principal of the Community Economic Development.
    Get a job:
    I have worked enough and I'm not a greedy person. I am quite satisfied with the way it is.
    Just like you, not much of that but very curious.
    You personally think our Government is doing a super job? You're probably the only one who thinks that. Do you believe it is right for the Board of Directors of the CFDCMW have people sit themselves there for years after years and leave you and I our of the loop for a democratic election because they suggest that we are not smart enough? You don't have to have any education what so ever to become a Board member. You only have to be 18 years old and convince the members to vote you in. You have to be smart enough to hire a competant manager and seek legal advice when neccasary, and the money is supplied for that by us, the tax payers. Do you believe that it is right to have the Chair of the regional district also being the Chair of the Community Futures? One is elected, one is a volunteer, same mandate. The Chair of the Community Futures says go see the lawyer that advises us, the manager says the same thing. Go see the lawyer and he refuses to talk to you .

    1) Do you believe that is correct:
    From the present manager
    "The issue of how our Board is formed is accepted practice throughout BC and supported by the Federal Government." Could he be misleading me?

    2) From the past manager Cathy Denham, witnessed by Mayor Gerry Furney,
    "If we are wrong, all Community Futures are wrong, they all do it this way and that's the way it is."
    Now you can respond and tell me if you would accept this if you would have known about it. As we don't have a local responsible news paper it's hard for you to find this out. I did it because like you say, I have lots of time on my hands.
    If this makes you curious and believe I'm not telling you the truth you can always check it out:

  3. Wow Fred,

    You are every bit as batshit crazy as your wingnut buddy John Prince here in the CNP. You guys rant and rave about issues that ordinary working people, the people that are supposedly 'oppressed', just don't seem to give a pile of coon dung about. Man, you need to get a new hobby before you give yourself cardiac arrest my friend. I recommend knitting, or cross stitching...
    Oh, don't forget to vote Conservative next Federal Election....


  4. Jason Greensmith9 November 2011 at 08:23

    I believe that you're telling the truth, Freddie Boy, I just think you're being an old blow-hard and fretting about a non-issue.
    You seem very passionate about this.....are other residents in your community this passionate? Where are the riots and mass protests in your area? Why haven't the riot squads been called out to quell the masses? Oh wait, that all happened in Vancouver last spring because their crappy hockey team lost to another crappy hockey team...a "real" reason to stage mass discontent...right Fred?


    ps, GO OILERS GO!!

  5. Dear Mr Greensmith,
    if you believe that I am telling the truth:
    Why not educate yourself about the problem that exists in our small Democratic community. When a very few control the majority using those societies created to restrict democracy.
    No, you prefer to write a bunch of non-sense and encourage them to perpetuate the problem. Could that be because you benefit from one of those organizations that one of your friends could be in the inner circle or on the Board of Directors of one of those organizations. You are not the only one who says this is a non-issue and is too scared to face reality or the truth. My question is, do you really believe it is a non-issue or do you just say it? Let's put it this way, you don't know and you don't want to know. It's too much trouble facing the facts the way they are. Keep on living on a cloud and let some shysters run your life for you.
    "Don't worry be happy."

  6. Wow Harold,
    maybe we are crazy but a shit head like you talking stupid won't help make it better. We are in a Country where the majority of people are compassionate, and smart like you. You should be able to help us.
    Ordinary working people are too busy trying to feed their family and make ends meat and I understand them, not knowing about this. But you meat head you have all the time in the world, why don't you help them out and look at the issue for them, but you are too smart for that. Giving a little bit back to your Community. Instead you prefer insulting two nice gentlemen like John and I, those who have to courage to at least try to make things better and inform the public. Wake up numb numb and go to your room and close the door from the inside.

  7. You are insane if you think I'm an "insider" of your silly little community organizations. Wait, I think you're insane, period. But that's just my opinion.
    YOU go to YOUR room and close the door from the inside, numb numb, instead of insulting two nice gentlemen like Harold and I, who are working hard to make things better in our communities. Pull the rag off your head and get with the program, Fred. You're acting like you're trying to change gears without pushing in the clutch, making a lot of noise but not doing anything.


  8. Dear Mr Greensmith,
    What are you doing to make things better in your Community? I don't know anything of it. You know everything about me. The only things I've seen are Harold insulting John and you going along with it. It doesn't prove anything of what you guys are doing to benefit your Community. John and I, we are open for any suggestions that make sense, but you guys critisize anonymously just for the fun of it. Nothing constructive. You may push the clutch in, but you don't go anywhere anyway, you're stuck in the mud.

  9. I donate to the poor, help at the soup kitchen, dress as Santa for the mall for free, am involved with NUMEROUS local charities, sponsor children in Uganda and Cuba and am not anonymous. In fact, my number is in the local phone book. Look it up! I am involved with numerous charity boards of directors.
    How much of that do I see you and Mr. Prince doing in your communities? NOTHING. Certainly not in my town. Not a thing. Instead, you guys spend your time setting up blogs and ranting about things nobody cares about. How about shoveling someone's walk for free? Or giving somebody a ride somewhere that could use it? Or mentoring a local youth? Or donating some food....the list goes on. I have done and continue to do all of those things. Do any of those ideas make sense?
    You? I highly doubt it. Mr. Prince? His sole contribution was he ran for mayor not to make the community better, but so he could give himself a full time job. He admitted it in his blog right here in a post that you yourself commented on:
    Not the intentions I want from my elected local politician.
    Anyway, I think I drive the old 5-speed pretty good these days, and "Tell it like it is". You? You're perpetually stuck in 1st gear. In fact, I think it's all you're equipped with.


  10. And for the record, to tell you the truth I have no idea whom Harold is. He may live in the CNP, but I've never met him. Seems like a very smart, articulate man, though. I've been following his posts throughout the year and I get the impression he really knows his stuff.
    Back to my whiskey.


  11. Fred, there is no Greensmith in the phone book and I doubt there is a real Harold either. These guys are just a couple 'anonymous' losers that don't have the guts to show their faces. Pay them no mind. Nothing more than cockroaches that scurry and run the moment light is shined on them. Wouldn't know or dare to stand up for anything if their life's depended on it but great at taking cheap shots at those that do. In the old days we called these types COWARDS, which I guess still applies today. Gutless, yellowbelly, cowards that never contributed anything to this world and will leave it as the 'nothings' they are.


  12. Further to the above...

    "One person can make a difference, and everyone should try".

    These people don't even try, they just go around flaming people that do. How pathetic is that!?


  13. Dear Mr Greensmith,
    You donate to the poor and you work at the soup kitchen. That is very good! Why do we have poor and soup kitchens in this rich country? Because there's too many people like you that bury their heads in the sand and let the politicians and the bureaucrats run your life for you and steal everything that was meant for the public to feed the people. I donate also, but I don't do it to show off. It comes from my heart and I don't want to mention it anywhere in public. It is a private thing for me.
    "Happiness is when I give a little bit more than I recieve." Can you say the same thing?
    You think I'm insane and now you say I should be a mentor to youth. You must be mental!
    You seem like you're limited of the things you can do. John and I do a little bit more. We try to wake up people like you, not to help the local shysters who are taking advantage of the public. About John creating himself a job if he was elected...I would prefer having a paid Mayor than what you guys have been having for the last 20 years. There's been more money dissapearing then the wage of a Mayor for a small town which could be around 60, 70 thousand dollars per year. And you would be able to demand an answer to your question and get a proper answer. Instead of saying I'm just a volunteer and I don't have much time to look at that. Don't forget, this excuse has been used many times before. John and I don't pretend to be Mr Nice Guy by publishing what we donate. We donate our time in our home for Democracy and the Truth. What you seem to want is a society where the majority of the people are deaf, blind, and stupid. Then you would look really smart advising them. That's not where we stand. We want everyone to be equal, play crib together and have lots to eat. No soup kitchen. We'll find you a job and you'll buy your own soup.

  14. a paid full time mayor in a town of less than 6000 people! you, sir must be mental. what would he do all day? sit and post nonsense on stupid blogs???
    WAKE UP!! get with the frigging program man.


  15. I believe that Jason Greensmith and Harold are the same person. When he's half drunk he uses one name. When he's over the limit he uses the other. That way he can call his house on his cell phone and talk to himself like an idiot. When he comes out of his hangover he goes to the soup kitchen to sober up for the next one.
    You ask if the other residents in my Community are concerned. Sure they are, but they are like you, Anonymous and too chicken shit to stand up and be counted. Does that answer your question? If you don't come up with some good advice or suggestions that make sense to help our Democracy or Economic Develpoment this will be the last bit of time I am willing to waste with you.
    I AM NOT AND IDIOT SITTER!!! I am a concerened citizen and I can prove it. Look at this website.

    I challenge you to do the same.

  16. and i think you and john prince are actually the same person. you both sound off like boobie hatch residents. that john wont even post my responses to his comments on his blog anymore. and to think him and i were friends.


  17. Dear Peter Rosner,
    A full time Mayor for the town of 6000 is frightening you? When you had a volunteer Mayor that robs your Community probably 10 times more that it probably costs to have a paid Mayor. You must be deaf, blind, stupid or maybe all of the above. I don't care if he stands in the window all day and plays with himself. As long as he keeps the crooks out of town he would be doing a good job. The Community Economic Development would benefit from it because the money would stay in town, the crooks would not pack it out like they did in the past and probably are still doing now. Now you figure out who is mental between the two of us. You don't have a clue what the crooks are doing to your Community and you shoot your mouth.
    And to respond to your other comment, "John doesn't post my comments anymore." Don't blame him with all the stupidity you come up with. Another one that blows me away is your Community Futures said at one time they invest 90 thousand dollars per year in your Community. If I understand the situation properly, there is 3, 4 people that work there. Can you find that out for me please? If they each get 45 thousand dollars per year it's 180 thousand plus office, plus all the other expenses to run a business. Does that make sense to you? Or does this tell you that there is more money coming in than you know about? And it all dissapears without your knowledge, but you keep shooting your mouth again without informing yourself.

  18. How can he keep the crooks out of town standing in the window all day playing with himself?? There;s multitasking but that's just bizarre.
    Man, you really can't get your point across without insulting people and calling them names. They must take you so seriously at the Regional District office and in the local media. Anyone that has to insult someone that disagrees with them and/or to get their point across has some serious emotional and maturity issues. You should get help. And don't mentor youth...stay as far away from youth as possible. The upcoming generation is screwed up enough.


    P.S: Take English lessons. You sound like English is your 3rd language...if you were smart enough to learn multiple languages.

  19. Hi Barb,
    To tell you the truth Barb, you are a sweetheart. I would love to have a chat with you. If you want to post some comments on this blog you will have to learn how to "read between the lines". What I said was just a little bit of sarcasm for Peter. I'm sure if they elect a Mayor from the public, that person would be smart enough to use his or her time in a contructive way. You feel that I insult people, I feel I just go harder on the ones who present their opinions without informing themselves or looking into the situation. You state that I should get help. Maybe you're right, but where would I get it? The majority of the people in power can't be trusted any how, incliding the RCMP, the people that we pay big money to protect us.
    "Serve and protect"
    Seems like with the majority of them, their attitude is,
    "Serve yourself and protect your ass"
    Have you read the paper lately? Try to imagine going to work and someone you can't stand grabs your butt.
    About our Regional District, we will be posting about that on this blog soon.

    PS I don't want to learn English properly, it would make you think that I am smart and that would be misleading you. lol :-)

  20. Not one of these 'educated' (sic) English speaking 'morons' that have commented here has been on topic with respect to this post. Therefore sharing with them is a waste of time. They contribute nothing but insults. I doubt if any of them can speak more than one language and obviously do not even know how to communicate with the one and only language they have.

    Continue insulting them Fred as it does not matter because they are so ignorant that it is like water running off a duck's back. Give them hell man! :-)


  21. By the way Fred, I do not believe Peter Rosner commented here on this post (it's probably one of the other two). He is above this kind of nonsence... at least I hope so?


  22. Serve and protect? You mean fine and collect!

  23. it is i John. Fred and i still have an axe to grind over how he attacked me on your blog several months ago for some educated comments i made. up yours Fred!!


  24. Peter Rosner,
    I have no axe to grind with you what so ever. With all the comment you made on John's blog, not once did I see you suggest something that would help the situation. Everytime you back up the shysters. I have no time for that type of people, hypocrite or two-faced. If John wants to baby-sit you he is welcome, I'm not interested. I'd be very suprised if you came up with an educated comment. If you did and I made a mistake I would apologize.
    But I know the mistake you made, working against "John Prince For Mayor" he was no good then. But now he is good at writing and that interests you, you want to be his friend because that gives you an avenue to spread your bullshit. Me, I accept him the way he is. he stands up for what he believes in. Try to show me that you have the courage to do the same. Like you say "Those stupid blogs" Me, I say "The stupid people that stick their noses in those blogs to annoy other people and have fun at their expense" I am surprised that John did not clue in on you yet and put you at the same place as Harold R. and Jason Greesmith, in the rejects bin.
    On March 29th 2011 you said
    "Come on John. I thought you were smarter than that."
    Now the year is not over and he is smart.
    Then again, with the way it looks there may be hope for you to come to your senses and respect John.
