Thursday, 13 October 2011

Democratic Society???

The media are chickens, cowards, the fear reeks among them to remain silent. Man, in a supposed free country also called a Democratic society, I never saw such a sad, pitiful, disgraceful, disgusting behavior by media reporters that are too damn scared of their shadow to print the truth and inform the public of what is going on. Like this reporter, Jay Latkoczky that lost his job because he had the courage and the conscience to come to my house and look at both sides of the story and said, "This is too big for us" It ended up either too big or too small. To what ever excuse you want to use
1) North Island Gazette
2) Go public
3) 5th Estate
4) The Province
5) The Vancouver Sun
6) CBC Radio
and all the other ones that I forgot becuase it's been so long.
Our local newspaper should be made out of really smooth paper so that it can be used in public washrooms to save money because that's all it's good for.
When Mr Shank, the guy who started that paper, died this paper's credibilty was burried with him.
What a sad end for such a good start.
Andrea Lavgine was invited to a function in Port Mc Neill, after checking all the dates the function ended up to be in the Community Futures office, read for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. "In a world where media set the public agenda and drive the dialogue, those things media ignore may as well not exist."

    It is people like you Fred who are bypassing the mainstream media in order to get your message out that will win the day in the end. People want the truth... not spin, or lies, or bs. Keep up the good work Fred, more of us are listening every day.

