Sunday 29 April 2012

Chamber of Commerce

We've been looking at the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors which is the same type of organization as the Community Futures Development Corporation, an organization with a membership. One seems to work, the other one seems to be stuck in the mud. Now I find out the same person, Mr David Mitchell is the manager of the one that is stuck in the mud and the President of the one that seems to work. We wonder why? We always believe to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce you have to have some kind of business. Mr Mitchell is the manager of a Corporation that operates with public funds only. What kind of business would you call that? Monkey business? The one that he's manager of, we are not allowed to see the membership list. The one that he is the president of, the membership list is on the website. Why is that? I'm asking you, the members of the Chamber of Commerce as members of the community to ask Mr Mitchell why he won't tell us or show us the membership list of the Community Futures. I've seen lots of good people with good intentions on this list. What are the intentions of the ones on the list that we aren't allowed to see? This is for the good of the community as a whole. Please participate.

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