Saturday, 23 March 2019

Community Futures page

1 comment:

  1. Aug 1/2013 Secret decoded. 1)C Futures wanting to created a "membership" Group sound like a sickness That is the way that Corporation was incorporated in Ottawa a Not-For-Profit Corporation with a Membership To elect the Board Of Directors at the (AGM) also appoint a auditor to make sure public dollars are properly spend.The membership list is the voters list the people that oversee everything at the Annual General Meeting(AGM).We like to know witch Planet M.David Mitchell come from with his GROUPY ideas. 2)CFMW has been operating for over twenty years under GROUPY allergies. Partners with Communities if so why Communities so misinform how these good Programs suppose to work for all not just few selected one that are prepare to give you a story to tell the country how good you are. 3 3)We have a Board of Directors WHO elect them Where and When The incorporation say they have to be elected your by-law #1 say they are elected but no one know how they get there,We asked few of those Board Members the answers the members at the meeting elect me .No paper to justified the election since 1996.The only time the board was legal according to the paper trail was in 1995 the incorporation year All the Board members had to signed the paper of inc. and agreed to be the first Directors of the Corp.Any time after that ELECTION ELECTION !!!! 5) Simply signing this special membership agreement will get you in the trap."encouraged to attend (AGM) and elect the BOARD OF DIRECTORS .Any normal corporation don't look for voters on election day. 8)Look at the SPECIAL application We just want you on our side we can put in the local RAG how good we doing and you agreed. But Bev Pharnam was a woman of integrity did not fool easy. 9)ON AUG/2013 M David Mitchell was so desperate he took anther kick at the cat.He want to fill the room to let the people believe they have members to elect them. 10)This is the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION'that we refuse anyone that apply by asking are you smart enough to play with US ??? You don't have any voting power we don't need you.If you have voting power you don't agreed with us we give you a loan don't worry no members no audited financial statement no problems. 11)IN 2014-01-06 They send a very good lie to MARCIE GIROUARD about their activities we are not sure if the board is aware of that at this moment we will find out soon.
