Saturday 23 June 2012

Distburbing Discovery

My understanding of the local RCMP detatchment is a Municipal Police advised my the Mayor to serve and protect our Municipality. Last month I asked them to investigate a case of forgery by the Manager of our local Community Economic Development, who under discovery manipulated some documents before serving them into the court system. I recieved a letter from our local detatchment stating:

Burden of Proof: In Canada, criminal law is based on the presumption of innocence of the accused party. This sets a very high standard which Police must meet in order to be successful in recieving criminal charge approval. That standard is beyond a reasonable doubt. This means that with near absolute certainty that the Police and Crown Counsel have proven the guilt of the person.

Then, my thought was to ask the Crown for the reason they denied me access to the court system.
The response from the Crown Counsel was "We have not recieved a file under that number from the Port McNeill RCMP"

What this proves to the public is that one single member of the RCMP has more power than our judge. They can throw the case out before the judge even sees it. What kind of justice is this?
If a judge makes a mistake in some of his decisions, you have a court of appeal to remede the error and it works. I've tried it. We all know, no one is perfect.

We know this woman has zero credibility. I have at least ten lies under oath in a court document said by her to mislead the court. But she has been part of the power for a long time with a very questional reputation.
Where do we go from here?

1 comment:

  1. If you compare this in the document from Ministry child and Family development in June 25 /2012 only two days after this post.A super coincidence happen someone suspected that i was abusing my daughter the social workers remove my two kids.The RCMP did their investigation They phone me the investigation is over never questioned me but i never saw my daughter for 6 years.What a good Country we live in RATS everywhere
